Thursday, June 10, 2010

10 on the 10th

This is my first 10 on the 10th so bear with me. Thanks to Meredith at Live at 7000 feet for this list. Please see her blog to the right as I can't figure out how to do a link.
10 things I can't live without

1. Andy
2. Alex
3. Peter
Isn't that enough?
4. My parents
5. My best friend Magie
6. Magie's three girls
7. Grandma's pot roast recipe
8. open space - why we live in the country
9. the multitude of animals running around here
10. last but not least Pepsi-Cola.

There, I did it


  1. Open space fills my soul - that's why I head west every year!

  2. PS - You may want to fix your link (or add another link) to Meredith's list. I think you put your email address instead of the URL for your blog post - I couldn't click on it (And you can delete this comment if you want)

  3. Open space...ahhhh! I need it too. I love the drive from Denver to Colorado Springs because of the designated open spaces. It's so soothing.

    I'm glad you played along! You did GREAT! ;-)
