Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy Birthday baby brother

It was 41 years ago today that my mom had my little brother. Ken was born with a black eye and a dent in his head because they induced as my dad was leaving in three days for Vietnam. He was a helicopter pilot in the US Army. Ken's 5 years, 6 months and 8 days younger than me and about a foot taller.
He was okay as a little brother, HE got away with a lot more than I did. He was pretty funny most of the time. There was the time that right before school pictures he not only hit his head on the radiator he also cut his bangs....he was three at the time so you know how his self barber job turned out.
I keep telling Alex that he's a little brother like his Uncle Ken and his dad. Andy prefers to be the older sibling like me.
But anyway - Happy birthday Kenny.

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