Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday follies

It's the fourth Friday of the month which means pantry day. On the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month several of us unload and stock the shelves at our church's food pantry. The following Saturday people in the community can come shop for food. We have a wide variety of food to choose from. It's based on a point system, no more than 40 points per family. And the air conditioner wasn't on at the church. It's over a 100 degrees today, enough said.
Tomorrow we are finally taking Lily to the auction in Fowler. Magie is going to loan me the beautiful Phoebe to be the lead doe for awhile since Luna and Jet aren't up to the job. Hopefully Jem, Sasha, Baby or Lorelei will be our new matriarch to take their mom/grandma Sage's place.
I tried to leave a comment for Meredith about the eggs on her post (see 7000 feet to the right) but the computer wasn't cooperating. Those are Amercuana eggs. I have everal chickens that will lay those when they get a little older. They (whoever they are) say that the green or blue eggs are actually lower in the bad cholesterol. I used to have some hens but they went for some predator's lunch.
Sunday we are planning to go fishing, probably at Willow Springs pond in Fountain. It's a nice place, trees, bathroom facilities, picnic tables (my fishing requirements plus reading material) and fish (that the guys requirement).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your computer wasn't cooperating, but SO glad you posted that info here (and so glad I subscribe to your blog in my reader now) so that I know all about those eggs! Thanks for the info.

    Hope you had fun fishing!
