Saturday, June 12, 2010

Change is good

So I made some changes to Green Gates Farm blog. I changed the design. I'm not talented enough to design my own. I added three new blogs to follow. One is Magie's Meadow, she's my bestest friend (yes Mom, I know "bestest" isn't a real word but that's the word Magie and I use.) I also added Carpool Queen and 7000 feet, both pretty awesome blogs and 7000 feet takes place in Colorado, yeah for Colorado. Nothing against the other 49 states, but you have to admit Colorado is pretty awesome. And I wasn't born here, nope, I'm a native Kansas girl.
So there will be some changes going on at the real life Green Gates Farm. We are selling Lily, one of the Boer does at the auction today. She's been butting Heartlee, Baby and Sasha around and they don't have a momma to take care of them. Well, Sasha does but Sage isn't getting up and doesn't acknowledge Sasha as hers anyway.
This next week I'll be gone most of the time helping Magie move to the new farm. and then the following week I'll start redecorating the master bedroom--wallpaper and paint, flooring. Hope to finish it by Alex's birthday on July 10. He will be 7.

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