Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Doctor said I'm "great"

Last Wednesday the medical van came out to the church to offer medical services. In order to keep them coming they need warm bodies receiving services. Since the services are free and I like to support the church activities, I signed up and had my blood drawn to be tested.
This morning at 5:15 a.m. the medical company called and said that my potassium level was dangerously high and I needed to go to the emergency room right away. This based on blood drawn 6 days ago.
So I end up at the ER (thank you Magie for taking the boys on no notice, just me showing up and dropping them off). The hospital proceeds to run more blood work (I can't tell you how much I enjoy having blood taken, really I can't tell you that because I'd be telling a big fat LIE.)
In addition to the blood work they also did an EKG and some other tests. The results came back negative, fine, great etc. Come to find out if the lab lets your blood sit around for 5 days it starts to deteriorate and gives a false level of potassium. So instead of a level 7 (stroke city) it's at a 4 (quite a normal range). So basically there was a lot and lot of worry (Peter, my MIL, my BIL, my SIL, Magie and me) for NOTHING. Except for the big whooping bill we'll get from the hospital and a raise in our health insurance. And I'm healthy.

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