Wednesday, June 9, 2010


If wishes were horses, I'd have a whole herd. Saw a shooting star tonight while I was filling the horse tank. I wished for another horse so Comet would have a buddy since Gypsy doesn't like him much and Sophie hangs out with her mom.
Wished the coyotes would be quiet.
Wished that the boys would get along better. But they are good kids. Mostly.
Wished that while the population of snakes is declining in Africa, the rattler population in Colorado could take a serious nosedive. I really, really don't like snakes.
Wished it wouldn't be hot tomorrow, I have peppers and tomatoes still to plant.
Wished the grasshoppers would find something else to eat besides my garden.
So, if wishes were horses.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my bloggy neighborhood and saying hello. I'll be near your neighborhood in a few weeks while on vacation and I'm really looking forward to seeing the majestic beauty of your state.

    Except for the snakes.
