Sunday, June 13, 2010

A moment of silence, please

We have had an invasion of devasting proportions. Several weeks ago I planted 9 tomato plants, green beans, sunflowers, hot peppers and currents. In the last two days the little green grasshoppers have just decimated the garden. I'm not starting over. I'll plant out wildflower seeds instead. Those little bugs are also eating my one larger lilac and munching holes in the iris leaves.
It was rather chilly, sweatshirt weather, here yesterday. I even turned the heat lamp back on for the baby chicks last night.
Something happened with the nesting momma duck. Three of her eggs went missing yesterday between 10 am and 10 pm, she abandoned the remaining three eggs and took her two babies to another corner of the shed. I think I'm going to put her in the chick room with the babies in a cage. Should be fun, she's rather protective.

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