Tuesday, June 8, 2010


My boys love cereal. Especially Alex. He would live on cereal if I'd let him. He has cereal for breakfast, morning snack, lunch dessert, afternoon snack--you get the idea.
When I was a kid, we had healthy cereal or grits for breakfast. The boys don't like grits, (I didn't either back then). Having Alpha bits was a rare treat. I don't get a lot of sugary cereals. Mostly we get corn flakes or rice krispies. I do have a box of raisin bran crunch but the boys don't like it.
They keep asking for oatmeal but I just can't wrap my brain around oatmeal in the summer. I do have some blueberries to put on the cereal but we think Andy is allergic. Also have mixed berries and strawberries. But my fave is still captain crunch. The original.

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